Thursday 13 May 2010


Some of you may have seen some teasers for this title from Vertigo. I thought I'd pick it up and check it out, especially since it cost only 85p ($1 for Americans).

I got the standard cover rather than the variant, which I prefer but they didn't have :( On first reading the artwork is enjoyable, very readable and interesting, but nothing amazing. It's the sort of artwork that I can see developing into something a little more stylised in the future, but there is a retro feeling to it that is fun.

We start off at a funeral with our main character, Gwen Dylan. Not to spoil it for anyone, but she's a Zombie. Ok, I don't consider this a spoiler, as we have seen the teasers, she's on the cover with a zombie face (holding a brain in the variant) and the title is called iZombie. This is where I kind of have a problem with the writing. We are led through most of this first issue as if we were somehow in the dark about her nature, which seems like wasteful writing. When Gwen reveals "I am a zombie, after all. Did I forget to mention that?" Hmm, nice reveal, except I kind of knew that, can we get on with the story now?

This is a first issue so lots of introductions, but it was a little explainy for me. This character is a ghost from the 70's, this one is a were-dog boy etc. The characters are likeable and I wouldn't mind seeing more of them, but hopefully the second issue has some more subtle exposition. It's an interesting concept, definitely not the usual fare so I hope it's heading in a good direction.